Personal Computer World 2006 May
ConceptDraw NetDiagrammer
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272 lines
' Don't edit this file! Otherwise Gantt Chart Wizard can fail!
Dim dateCalEnd As Date
Dim dateCalStart As Date
Dim dblDayWidth As Double
Dim intTimeScale As Integer
Dim dblCalendarLeft As Double
Dim dblCurDayTop As Date
Dim dblCurDayBot As Date
Dim shapeCalendar As Shape
Dim shapeBackground As Shape
Const dblOneCellWidth As Double = 50
Dim dblTSCells(5) As Double
Dim dblTSDays(5) As Double
Dim arrayWeekSymb(7) As String
Dim arrayMonthDays(12) As Integer
Dim arrayQuartalDays(4) As Integer
Function CalcTimeScale() As Integer
dblTSCells(1) = 1
dblTSCells(2) = 3
dblTSCells(3) = 3
dblTSCells(4) = 4
dblTSCells(5) = 4
dblTSDays(1) = 1
dblTSDays(2) = 7
dblTSDays(3) = 30
dblTSDays(4) = 91
dblTSDays(5) = 365
CalcTimeScale = 5
For I=1 To 5
If dblDayWidth > dblTSCells(I)*dblOneCellWidth/dblTSDays(I) Then
CalcTimeScale = I
Exit For
End If
dblDayWidth = Round(dblDayWidth * dblTSDays(CalcTimeScale) / dblOneCellWidth) * dblOneCellWidth / dblTSDays(CalcTimeScale)
End Function
Function GetMinWidth(inKind As Integer) As Double
GetMinWidth = 0
Select Case inKind
Case 1
GetMinWidth = 45
Case 2
GetMinWidth = 100
Case 3
GetMinWidth = 100
Case 4
GetMinWidth = 45
Case 5
GetMinWidth = 100
Case 6
GetMinWidth = 190
End Select
End Function
Function GetDateDay(inDate As Date) As Integer
GetDateDay = Format(inDate, "d")
End Function
Function GetDateMonth(inDate As Date) As Integer
GetDateMonth = Format(inDate, "m")
End Function
Function GetDateYear(inDate As Date) As Integer
GetDateYear = Format(inDate, "yyyy")
End Function
Function GetDateWeekDay(inDate As Date) As Integer '1-7 (пн. - вс.)
GetDateWeekDay = Format(inDate, "w")
If GetDateWeekDay = 7 Then
GetDateWeekDay = 0
End If
GetDateWeekDay = GetDateWeekDay + 1
End Function
Function GetDateYearDay(inDate As Date) As Integer
GetDateYearDay = Format(inDate, "y")
End Function
Function IsLongYear(inDate As Date) As Boolean
Dim intYear As Integer
intYear = GetDateYear(inDate)
IsLongYear = ((intYear MOD 4) = 0) AND (((intYear MOD 100) > 0) OR ((intYear MOD 400) = 0))
End Function
Function ChackEndDate(inDate As Date) As Date
ChackEndDate = inDate
If ChackEndDate > dateCalEnd+1 Then
ChackEndDate = dateCalEnd+1
End If
End Function
Function GetNextCellDate(inKind As Integer, inCurDate As Date, ByRef outText As String) As Date
Dim val As Integer
Dim val_d As Double
Select Case inKind
Case 1 ' day
GetNextCellDate = ChackEndDate(inCurDate + 1)
outText = arrayWeekSymb(GetDateWeekDay(inCurDate))
Case 2 ' week
GetNextCellDate = ChackEndDate(inCurDate + 8 - GetDateWeekDay(inCurDate))
outText = Format(inCurDate, "dd.mm")
Case 3 ' month
val = GetDateMonth(inCurDate)
GetNextCellDate = ChackEndDate(inCurDate + arrayMonthDays(val) - GetDateDay(inCurDate) + 1)
If val = 2 AND IsLongYear(inCurDate) Then
GetNextCellDate = GetNextCellDate + 1
End If
outText = Format(inCurDate, "mmm yyyy")
Case 4 ' quartal
val = GetDateMonth(inCurDate) - 1
val = val - (Int(val / 3) * 3) + 1
val_d = GetDateYearDay(inCurDate)
For I = 1 To val-1
val_d = val_d - arrayQuartalDays(I)
GetNextCellDate = ChackEndDate(inCurDate + arrayQuartalDays(val) - val_d)
If val < 4 Then
outText = String("I", val)
outText = "IV"
End If
Case 5 ' year
If IsLongYear(inCurDate) Then
GetNextCellDate = ChackEndDate(inCurDate + 366 - GetDateYearDay(inCurDate)+1)
GetNextCellDate = ChackEndDate(inCurDate + 365 - GetDateYearDay(inCurDate)+1)
End If
outText = Format(inCurDate, "yyyy")
Case 6 ' year5
val = GetDateYear(inCurDate)
val_d = CDate("01.01." & ((Int(val / 5) + 1) * 5))
GetNextCellDate = ChackEndDate(val_d)
outText = Format(inCurDate, "yyyy - ") & (((Int(val/5)+1)*5)-1)
End Select
End Function
Sub BuildOneLineInCalendar(inKind As Integer, inTop As Double)
Dim dateCurDate As Date
Dim dateNextDate As Date
Dim X1 As Double
Dim X2 As Double
Dim shapeText As String
Dim shapeCell As Shape
dateCurDate = dateCalStart
Do While dateCurDate < dateCalEnd+1
dateNextDate = GetNextCellDate(inKind, dateCurDate, shapeText)
X1 = (dateCurDate - dateCalStart) * dblDayWidth
X2 = (dateNextDate - dateCalStart) * dblDayWidth
Set shapeCell = shapeCalendar.DrawRect(X1, inTop, X2, inTop+50)
shapeCell.Text = shapeText
If shapeCell.Width < GetMinWidth(inKind) Then
shapeCell.Text = ""
End If
If inKind = 1 AND shapeText = "S" Then
shapeCell.ColorProperty(CDPT_FILLCOLOR).SetRGB(200, 200, 200)
End If
shapeCell.SetCharStyle(1, -1, 0)
shapeCell.SetParaHAlign(1, -1, 1)
dateCurDate = dateNextDate
End Sub
Sub BuildBackground(inKind As Integer)
Dim dateCurDate As Date
Dim dateNextDate As Date
Dim X1 As Double
Dim X2 As Double
Dim shapeCell As Shape
Dim shapeText As String
Dim dblTop As Double
dblTop = shapeCalendar.GPinY + shapeCalendar.Height
Set shapeBackground = thisDoc.ActivePage.DrawGroup(dblCalendarLeft, dblTop, shapeCalendar.GPinX + shapeCalendar.Width, dblTop+50)
dateCurDate = dateCalStart
Do While dateCurDate < dateCalEnd+1
dateNextDate = GetNextCellDate(inKind, dateCurDate, shapeText)
X1 = (dateCurDate - dateCalStart) * dblDayWidth
X2 = (dateNextDate - dateCalStart) * dblDayWidth
Set shapeCell = shapeBackground.DrawRect(X1, 0, X2, 50)
If inKind = 1 AND GetDateWeekDay(dateCurDate) >= 6 Then
shapeCell.ColorProperty(CDPT_FILLCOLOR).SetRGB(200, 200, 200)
End If
dateCurDate = dateNextDate
shapeBackground.LPinX = 0
shapeBackground.LPinY = 0
shapeBackground.SetPropertyFormula("=ObjID" & shapeCalendar.ID & ".GPinX", CDPT_GPINX)
shapeBackground.SetPropertyFormula("=ObjID" & shapeCalendar.ID & ".GPinY + ObjID" & shapeCalendar.ID & ".Height", CDPT_GPINY)
shapeBackground.SetPropertyFormula("=ObjID" & shapeCalendar.ID & ".Width", CDPT_WIDTH)
End Sub
Sub AdjustCalendar()
Dim val As Integer
Select Case intTimeScale
Case 2
val = GetDateWeekDay(dateCalStart)
dateCalStart = dateCalStart - val + 1
Case 3
val = GetDateDay(dateCalStart)
dateCalStart = dateCalStart - val + 1
Case 4
val = Int((GetDateMonth(dateCalStart)-1) / 3) * 3 + 1
dateCalStart = CDate("01." & val & "." & GetDateYear(dateCalStart))
Case 5
dateCalStart = CDate("01.01." & GetDateYear(dateCalStart))
End Select
End Sub
Sub BuildCalendar()
dblDayWidth = (thisDoc.PageSizeX - dblCalendarLeft) / (dateCalEnd - dateCalStart + 1)
intTimeScale = CalcTimeScale()
thisDoc.PageSizeY = (dateCalEnd - dateCalStart + 1) * dblDayWidth + dblCalendarLeft + 100
arrayWeekSymb(1) = "M"
arrayWeekSymb(2) = "T"
arrayWeekSymb(3) = "W"
arrayWeekSymb(4) = "T"
arrayWeekSymb(5) = "F"
arrayWeekSymb(6) = "S"
arrayWeekSymb(7) = "S"
arrayMonthDays(01) = 31
arrayMonthDays(02) = 28
arrayMonthDays(03) = 31
arrayMonthDays(04) = 30
arrayMonthDays(05) = 31
arrayMonthDays(06) = 30
arrayMonthDays(07) = 31
arrayMonthDays(08) = 31
arrayMonthDays(09) = 30
arrayMonthDays(10) = 31
arrayMonthDays(11) = 30
arrayMonthDays(12) = 31
arrayQuartalDays(1) = 31 + 28 + 31
arrayQuartalDays(2) = 30 + 31 + 30
arrayQuartalDays(3) = 31 + 31 + 30
arrayQuartalDays(4) = 31 + 30 + 31
Set shapeCalendar = thisDoc.ActivePage.DrawGroup(dblCalendarLeft, 0, (dateCalEnd-dateCalStart+1)*dblDayWidth + dblCalendarLeft, 100)
shapeCalendar.LPinX = 0
shapeCalendar.LPinY = 0
BuildOneLineInCalendar(intTimeScale+1, 0)
BuildOneLineInCalendar(intTimeScale, 50)
If intTimeScale = 1 Then
End If
End Sub